The Roaring Silence

The reason why it's been quiet for so long is my eyes. 

My eyesight took a turn for worse somewhere in January. And as it turns out, the sight isn't my only problem. Not only are my current glasses too strong for reading/sewing and too weak for me to see afar, there are someshit growing somewhere. 
Since I have no idea what are the correct words, my description maybe wrong...the eye is surrounded by that lovely pink mucosa. Turns out I have something growing on there that irritates the eye. BOOYA! How that something started growing there? SOMETHING IRRITATED THE EYE! Ouh the irony! 

So, by doctors orders - one hour of screen time per day for a whole month! Using my eyes for any kind of accurate work (read sewing) only when I've rested them for two hours after my nine hour work day. Not to mention new spectacles, which I've ordered, but for some odd reason they will be ready in March. Ouh and a course of treatment with overly expencive eyedrops for a month. I am to see the lovely doctor in two months.

So, not much sewing will be happening! I will however try and get over the funk, and start posting some finished projects. I promice!

We also apologize for any typos. It's the eyes! LOL!