Sewing for him - cargo shorts

Cargo short front viewCargo shorts side viewCargo shorts back view

Sorry for the crappy image quality. I got a new camera and I have no idea still how to take good pictures with it.

Few weeks ago inevitable happened - my boyfriends favourite shorts almost fell apart by the seams. As a good girlfriend, I rushed in to fix what I could. Sadly the only fix I could think of was to make new shorts. Yes people, there literally was nothing to be saved. The fabric was worn so thin, I would have never been able to make a new stitch.
So I cut his old shorts apart to get the pattern and made him new ones. I even used buttons from his old shorts!

Paar nädalat tagasi juhtus vältimatu - minu elukaaslase lemmik põlvpüksid lagunesid koost. Hea naisena tahtsin ma loomulikult olukorda parandada. Kahjuks oli olukord poole hullem kui lihtsalt rebenenud õmblus - kangas oli nii õhukeseks kulunud kandmisega, et uus õmblus poleks sinna pidama jäänud. Ainus lahendus oli teha uued püksid vanade järgi.
Lõikasin siis vanad püksid mööda alles jäänud terveid õmblusi lahti, et lõige maha võtta ning õmblesin uued põlvpüksid. Vanadelt pükstelt läksid käiku ka peale tegumoe veel nööbid.


  1. I do the same thing as he does... I wear my clothes until they fall apart.

    I have been thinking about maybe using some of the less worn pieces of fabric in new projects. Like, maybe combining several worn out jeans pieces into one pair of shorts. I'm not sure how that would look, but it might be good alteration/sewing practice for me.

    1. LOL! I hate that he does that.

      Thats actually a great idea BUT it could either look really good OR REALLY BAD. A year ago or so I worked for a young Estonian fashion designer who actually made 2 collections of jackets a year OUT OF OLD JEANS. And trust me when I say, girls went nuts over them!

      Example (I believe I put that one together)

    2. Wow, that's really cool.

      I like how the jeans pocket is re-used as the pocket on the jacket, and those sleeves are certainly interesting.

      You must be pretty good to be able to put together something like that.

    3. We used jeans leggs as sleeves, the lace detail was there already and mixed it together with hand printed fabric and what not.

      The designer has a dgree in pattern cutting and she is pretty clever with things like that.

      And me, I'm a menswear tailor and pattern cutter, have a diploma and all. Don't tell anyone LMAO!
