Birthday wish list

So my oh so very "big" Birthday is right around the corner and I thought to share my wish list of gifts. In reality, if I get lucky, I will end up with a bunch of gift cards to some shopping center or a day spa (not that I wouldn't love to go to a day spa for free).

So in no particular order:

Bridal Couture: Fine Sewing Techniques for Wedding Gowns and Evening Wear

From the reviews and comments around the great internet, I gather it's pretty damn good book to have, if one is interested in couture dresses. Price is from 81(used book) to 169 US dollars. Luckily Susan Khalje has published a much environment friendlier version - a CD, that is WAY CHEAPER! 

I've never taken an online class...been kind of scared of them honestly. 
Gertie's class comes with a 5 star rating and every blog I read, someone is gushing over the class so it must be good!
And while we are on topic, I wouldn't mind Gertie's New Book for Better Sewing.

Vintage Couture Tailoring

This practical book brings vintage couture tailoring within everyone's reach. With step-by-step photographs and professional tips throughout, it shows how a lady's jacket is made and thereby introduces a range of fundamental tailoring techniques.
Even thou I know fundamental tailoring techniques, I am sure this book has some information that I am not familiar with. Plus it would be nice to have it for references.

A set of french curves 

My old ones life span is coming to an end. I've had it since I learned tailoring. It has survived 5 moving trucks, a fury kitten and mis-use by other creatures of the house that walk on two legs and have a beard....

Fabric/pattern weights

image from

Preferably hand made please! Yes, I am too lazy to make them myself.

Fabric from Mood

This - about 2,75m , and this - ...lets get greedy and wish for 4 meters (sorry guys, cant help it, it's pretty!)
ouh and this - ... a lot of it! 

That's not much to ask for a thirtieth Birthday right?!

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