Resurrection! aka sorry for abandoning you so suddenly

I did not mean it. 

And I am so very deeply sorry, my dear dear blog, for leaving you for so many months. I have been thinking about you - late at nights or while drinking my morning coffee. 

Here's the thing dear blog

I've been so uninspired to sew! I know, right?! I blame it on the weather - no snow, over 0 Celsius temperatures and rain. Me no likey! 
Also lack of any fabric in stores that tickles my fancy. It is so sad, so very sad. We have 3 fabric stores in my teeny tiny home town, and no fabric for me to buy! How is that even possible I do not know.


Do not fret my dear blog, I have come up with a plan how to get me back to sewing! 

You see, I am turning 30 very soon. (I am going to be a real grownup now.) I've had some time over the holidays to reflect and think and you know... doing all that kind of stuff. And I have come to a conclusion - I need a wardrobe remake! 

So in hopes to better my style and my consumption habits when it comes to clothes, I've been doing some light reading on wardrobe therapy, how to actually put one together based on your lifestyle and so on. 
I have too much stuff that I never ever wear, and it is sad to admit it, but most of it is made by me. It seems that I sew stuff that one does actually not need or wear. Sad right?

I need cool but classy, casual everyday clothes. (It turns out I am more than covered in the "going out" or "fancy event" clothing category). I even started a Pinterest board, to keep me on track in the "personal style" department. And a board for clothes to make, that I actually need after hauling 3 bags full of clothes to salvation army.

So, the near future HOPEFULLY holds sewing of pants, a classic trench for the spring, a lined one color jacket for everyday wear, maybe a printed jacket, few nice and colorful dresses for summer and spring time and some other essentials. 

So yes, I AM BEING HOPEFUL that the want and need to remake my wardrobe and with this new look on my sewing needs I will resurrect you my dear blog!

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