"Tie Me In" jersey dress

I started making this dress last year right before the summer reached Estonia. Sadly the Gods of handcraft were not on my side and I couldn't finish the dress because I was unable to find a lace applique that fit and suited the dress. 

Few weeks ago I randomly walked into one of three fabric stores I have in my hometown and low and behold there it was - a lace applique that would most definitely work! I had to color it before I could use it to be more blueish black, that was just a teeny tiny obstacle.
The pattern is self drafted, you can find the guide how to draft the pattern yourself below the cut.

Alustasin selle kleidi tegemist juba eelmisel aastal, enne kui suur suvi kohale jõudis. Kahjuks ei soosinud käsitöö haldjad minu tegemisi ja ma ei saanud kleiti lõpetada, kuna ei suutnud leida poest sobivat aplikatsiooni.
Paar nädalat tagasi jalutasin suvaliselt ühte kanga poodi sisse, ja seal see oligi - aplikatsioon mis kohe kindlasti sobis minu ideega. Kahjuks pidin selle koju jõudes üle värvima, kuna aplikatsioon ei olnud sinakas must. 
Lõike kleidi jaoks visandasin ise ja juhendi samalaadse kleidi lõike tegemiseks leiad all pool :)


  1. Visiting from Sew Darn Crafty. Wow you are so talented to draft out patterns etc. This looks fantastic.

    1. Thank you for stopping by!

      And thanks so much for nice words on the dress! I know so very little of making female clothing, it matters a lot!

  2. I had no idea you could buy lace appliques! I have been bugging my mom to crochet me one forever. Thanks. I am going to check out my fabric store.

  3. Came across your crafty site and wanted to congratulate you. Your work is nice! I Llve that Jersey Dress. I'd so wear it :)
    AnDrea H
